Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Women's Study to begin September 28th

Calvary Chapel Fargo Women’s Ministry
Invites you to a devotional Study of

The Book of Psalms

“Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

The Study begins Saturday, September 28th

We will meet every other week from  6:30-8:30 PM at Church

This is a wonderful time to draw near to the Lord and to fellowship with
the women of Calvary Chapel Fargo

For more information see Tanya and go to
No child care provided. Babies 0-6months welcome.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Ask and it will be given you....

1 Chronicles 1:7-12

Solomon's heart is right in line with God's will when he is asking for wisdom. He is concerned for God's people and how he will lead them. He humbled himself and recognized that in and of himself he could not lead the people. He needed God's help.God said to him "because this is your heart...." Solomon was not looking for gain of his own. Selfish ambition was put aside and he desired to lead the people in a way that was pleasing to the Lord. And God granted Solomon riches and wealth as well as wisdom. God does abundantly more than we think!

When asking of God. What is our ambition? Is it for self gain? Is it for God's purpose in our lives?

Look at James chapter 3:13-17

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Wise Woman

The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.
With the help of the Holy Spirit in your life, He will empower you to be the wise woman,which brings glory and honor to Jesus Christ in everything you do, say, and think.

Will you doings things your way without God in the equation? You will without a doubt be the foolish woman tearing down your home- spiritually or physically, which brings glory and honor to your flesh, the enemy and the world.

Which woman will you choose to be this day and everyday?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Are You Being Discipled?

A few questions to ask yourself:

1. Am I  reading the Bible?

2. Am I meditating (spending time on a portion or verse of scripture. memorizing it, working it out in my life) on God's Word?

3. Am I listening to teachings and putting them into practice?

4. Am I reading books that will encourage me in my walk with the Lord?

Being discipled is so important in your life. In order to grow in your relationship with Jesus, spend time with Him. He so desires all of you.