Pray and ask
the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you to receive into your heart and
your life.
Read Psalm 73.
God is always with you. Read verses 23-24. He also guides you with His counsel. Look at
the verses below and write what God shows you.
Always with you
Genesis 28:15(Think of Jesus coming back to get you)
Exodus 33:14
Psalm 139:1-18
Isaiah 43:2
Amos 5:14
Psalm 25:9
Psalm 32:8
Psalm 73:24
Isaiah 30:21
Isaiah 42:16
Isaiah 48:17
Draw near to God today. It is good!!! Look at Thompson Chain
1269 and write what God shows yo
Testament Application: Matthew 28:20, Matthew 18:20,
Revelation 21:3, Luke 1:79, John 10:4, John 16:13
to look at your Sunday applications and put them into practice