Sunday, December 1, 2013

Psalm 50

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you to receive into your heart and your life.
Read Psalm 50.

Verse 5 has a promise for you as a believer. What is it? 5a.

Read verse 15. What is the command given to you?
What will God do for you?
Sometimes the trials of this life take a toll on you. The promise given to you in verse 15 is so important. The deliverance for you as a believer. Read the verses below and Write down what God  shows you.

2 Samuel 22:17
2 Samuel 22:49
Job 33:28
Job 42:10
Psalm 107:14
Psalm 116:8
Isaiah 46:4

Are there things going on in your life where you need to cry out to the Lord? They don’t have to be big things. It can be the little things too. Cry out to the Lord. After reading the verses above, allow the Lord to minister to your heart and watch Him deliver you. Write down those things that you need a touch from the Lord.

Take time to praise the Lord. From verse 23

New Testament Application:  1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Corinthians 1:10

Remember to look at your Sunday applications and put them into practice