Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you
to receive into your heart and your life.
Read Psalm 3. We are going to study verses 3-4 today.
Look up the word shield in a dictionary. Webster’s
1828 dictionary gives great definitions for words. Write down the definition
and how God has been your shield. Use example/experiences from your life.
Read these verses: Genesis 15:1, 2 Samuel 22:3, 31, Psalm 18:30 , 28:7, 33:20. Write down what God shows
In the second part of verse 3, it says that God lifts up the
psalmist’s head. Think of a time when you were downcast and how the Lord used
His word to lift up your head? Write down the verse and how it ministered to
your heart.
The Lord is always listening to us. He hears us when we are
doing normal everyday things and when we are on our knees crying out to Him. Prayer
is so important in our lives as believers. Don’t neglect prayer. Take
time right now to sit before the Lord and talk with Him. Or if you need to cry
out to Him about something, do that now.
New Testament application: Read Luke 18:1-8, John 9:31 , 1 John 5:14 .
Write down what God shows you.
Remember to look at your Sunday applications and put them
into practice