Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you
to receive into your heart and your life.
Read Psalm 6. In verse 2 the Psalmist speaks of weakness.
Look up the definition of weakness. Webster’s 1828
dictionary on line gives great definitions of words. Write it down.
Weakness is not something we always talk about in our
Christian walk. The place that the Psalmist had come to was with humility of
the mere humanness of his weakness. When we actually take into account how weak
we truly are, we turn our hearts to the Lord and say “O Lord” as the Psalmist
did in verse 2
Take time right now to pray and tell the Lord of your
weaknesses. Let Him search your heart. Sit and be still. There may be some
weaknesses you are not even aware of. Write them down and give them over to the
Lord so you can be strengthened in the Lord today.
New Testament Application: 2 Corinthians 12:9. Study
this verse. Use your concordance or Read commentaries on this verse. Read different
versions of the Bible for this verse. Write down what the Lord teaches you.