Monday, November 18, 2013

Psalm 40

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you to receive into your heart and your life.
Read Psalm 40.
In verse 1 the Psalmist declares that he waited patiently for the Lord. Verses 2-3 declares what God did for the Psalmist as he waited, write down God’s actions from these verses.

From Verse 4 What is the man who makes the Lord his trust? What areas of your life are you not trusting God? Write them down and spend time giving them over to the Lord.

Read verse 5b,c. God thinks about you a lot. Study the verses below
Psalm 40:17
Psalm 139:17

Do you delight to do the will of the Lord?    Look up the word delight in the dictionary. Write down the definition.  Do you know what God’s will is? Study God’s will. Use Thompson chain, Blueletterbible or concordance.

Do you have God’s law within your heart? Take time to memorize a verse from today’s Psalm

From verses 16-17. Take time to magnify the Lord. Lay those things before the Lord that you need help with. Ask Him to not delay.
New Testament Application: Matthew 26:42, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 6:6,1 John 2:17, 2 Corinthians 3:3, Hebrews 10:16

 Remember to look at your Sunday applications and put them into practice