Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Psalm 46

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you to receive into your heart and your life.
Read Psalm 46.
Read verse 1. What is God for you? There are 3 things.
Because of these 3 things, What should we not have? Look at verse 2. When ever there is a “therefore” in scripture, look back at the previous verse or verses to find out what the therefore is for.
Sometimes our lives feel and seem like verse 2-3. Maybe you are having trouble or in a trial. Write down your trial.

Read verse 4-5.  There is hope in the time of trouble and trial. It is a comfort for you as a believer to know that God is in the midst of everything in your life, like He is in the tabernacle. Write down ways that God has comforted you in trials and also where you see His hand in the midst of them.
Look at verse 10. There are two commands for you. What are they?
Stillness is essential for instruction. When we are in trials we definitely need instruction on what to do next.  Study stillness. Read the verses below and see how God instructed, defended, spoke.
Exodus 14:13 What did God do for the children of Israel? Who had to accomplish it? The children of Israel or God?  Has there been times in your walk with God that you just needed to be still and watch God do the work? Write answers to all these questions.
Numbers 9:8 Why did Moses need the children of Israel to be still?

Isaiah 30:15-21 What do we gain from the stillness(quietness) from vs 15? In vs 18 Why are we blessed? Vs 19 What does God do? In vs 21 What do you hear?

New Testament Application:  Matthew 18:20, 28:20, Revelation 21:3
Remember to look at your Sunday applications and put them into practice