Monday, November 25, 2013

Psalm 45

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you to receive into your heart and your life.
Read Psalm 45.

This Psalm points to Jesus as Messiah and the church as His bride.
Read verse 2. The words of Jesus are so precious to you.  Read the following verses and write down what God’s word is or does.
Matthew 13:31
Luke 4:22
Luke 4:32
John 6:63
John 6:68
John 12:48
John 14:24
                                                                                                                                                Look at verse 6. It says God’s throne is forever and ever. Read the verses below and be encouraged in your salvation and being with God forever.
Deuteronomy 32:40, Psalm 145:13, Isaiah 57:15, Lamentations 5:19, 1 Timothy 1:17, 2 Peter 3:8,

Verses 10-15 speak of the church as the bride of Christ. With that in mind, read through these verses and write down what God speaks to your heart. If there is a particular verse that sticks out to you, take time to think on that verse and write down what God shows you.

Take time to praise the Lord with your lips. Speak out  loud !!!

New Testament Application:  Revelation 1:8,
Remember to look at your Sunday applications and put them into practice