Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you
to receive into your heart and your life.
Read Psalm 48
Read the verses below and know
the greatness God. Write your thoughts.
Deuteronomy 3:24
Psalm 77:11-15
Study verse 14b. God’s guidance.
Look up the definition of
guidance. Write it down.
God guides us in so many ways.
Read verses below
In obedience Genesis
12:1-4. Write down a time where the Lord guided you and what the outcome was.
Into pleasant paths Psalm
23:2 What does God make you do?
Where does He lead you? What a
wonderful picture in your mind of what God does for you.
In making decisions Psalm
25:9 What do we need to be guided?
If you would like a great book to read on humility, read Andrew Murrays
book Humility.
Psalm 32:8 God gives a promise in
this Psalm for you. What is it?
By still small voice Isaiah 30:21
In the midst of Uncertainties Isaiah 42:16, 48:17 Write down a time
when you could not see clearly what God was doing, but by faith you still did
what He asked. What was the outcome?
New Testament Application: John 10:4, 16:13
Remember to look at your Sunday applications and put them
into practice
*The bold print is taken from the Thompson chain
reference Bible.