Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Psalm 13

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you all He wants you to receive into your heart and your life.
Read Psalm 13.

Look up the word mercy in the dictionary. Webster’s 1828 dictionary is a great source and also blueletterbible.org
 What does it mean?
 Give examples in scripture of what mercy looks like. Think of Characters in the Bible. What happened and how did they receive mercy? You can use blueletterbible.org.

Think of a time when you received mercy from the Lord. Write down what happened.

Ponder on the Salvation that you have received from God. Thank Him in a meaningful prayer.

Put on Worship music and sing to the Lord. Spend a few minutes doing this. Let the Lord refresh your soul.

New Testament Application: Luke 1:50, Ephesians 2:4, Titus 3:2, Luke 1:47, I Timothy 4:10, Rev 19:1

Remember to look at your Sunday applications and put them into practice